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Gordon H. Clark Symposium:

A Christian Philosophy Conference

March 22-23, 2024
Lookout Mountain, GA

The Conference

Two Days of Thoughtful Christian Philosophy
March 22-23, 2024

The Gordon H. Clark Symposium is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate level philosophy students to participate in an academic conference alongside Covenant alumni and professional philosophers. The conference will include presentations by James Anderson (Reformed Theological Seminary/Charlotte), author of David Hume (P&R, 2019)) and student paper presentations. 

The Gordon H. Clark Symposium will be held at Covenant College on March 22-23, 2024. Due to a generous gift from Bob and Kathy Case, cash prizes will be awarded to the best student essays.  Additionally, the program is open to the public at no cost. RSVP to guarantee your seat at the Saturday luncheon. The luncheon is free to all who RSVP.

Conference events will be held in Brock Hall on Covenant's campus.

Click here to view the conference agenda (forthcoming when determined).

The Conference
A Call for Papers

A Call for Papers

Prize Money for Outstanding Essays*

Due January 31, 2024

Submit any philosophically rigorous paper on a topic likely to be of interest to a Christian philosopher. Successful papers will step into and contribute to an ongoing philosophical discourse, as opposed to merely explicating another philosophical work.  Only one submission per person will be accepted for review. Those selected will be presented by the author at the spring conference. Submitted papers must be prepared for blind review and include:

a title and clear thesis

a 100 - 150 word abstract

approximately 2,000 - 3,000 word count 

orderly citation system

Student essays are due January 31, 2024. Authors may expect to be contacted with a decision by February 15th. Additionally, those who RSVP will be issued a conference name tag and guaranteed a seat at the Saturday luncheon.

Because of a generous gift from Bob and Kathy Case, professional philosophers will be present to award prize money to the best essays.

To submit a paper for consideration, please email and attach your paper as a .pdf file. Be sure to also register for the conference!

Gordon H. Clark

A Profoundly Christian Philosopher
Gordon Clark.jpg

Gordon H. Clark, Ph.D. came to Covenant College in 1974 after retiring from Butler University in 1973.  Already 72 years old when he came to Covenant, he taught for another 10 years, going to glory shortly after he stopped teaching in 1984.  Before coming to Covenant, Dr. Clark taught at the University of Pennsylvania and Reformed Episcopal Seminary (1930-1936), Wheaton College (1936-1943), and Butler University (1943-1973). 

Along with teaching, Dr. Clark was a very active churchman, helping to found the OPC in 1938 and serving in a number of reformed denominations in the years between 1944 and his death.  All of these denominations were Presbyterian in their polity and self-consciously indebted to Calvin and the Westminster standards.  At all times and in every context Dr. Clark was a zealous defender of the final authority and epistemological primacy of God’s Word.  His knowledge of the history of philosophy was encyclopedic, and he reveled in exposing the inconsistencies and inadequacies of all systems that denied the authority of Scripture. 

He authored more than thirty books on philosophy and theology, and published eight commentaries on New Testament epistles.  As an opponent at philosophy or chess, he was formidable.  As a husband and father, he was a model of faithfulness.  Covenant College has six alums with Philosophy PhDs who are currently working as philosophy professors.  All of them were taught by Dr. Clark or by one of Dr. Clark’s students.

To sample Dr. Clark's academic writings, please visit You may also purchase the official biography, The Presbyterian Philosopher: The Authorized Biography of Gordon H. Clark (Wipf and Stock, 2017).

Gordon's Bio


In Prize Money


Days of Philosophy


Attendance Fee
Keynote Speaker



James N. Anderson (Professor of Theology & Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte): James earned a Ph.D. in Philosophical Theology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and completed an M.A. in Philosophy and Apologetics at Trinity Theological Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana.  His doctoral thesis at the University of Edinburgh explored the paradoxical nature of certain Christian doctrines and the implications for the rationality of Christian faith. His research and writing have also focused on the presuppositionalism of Cornelius Van Til, particularly his advocacy of the transcendental argument. Dr. Anderson has a longstanding concern to bring the Reformed theological tradition into greater dialogue with contemporary analytic philosophy.  Prior to pursuing theological studies, Dr. Anderson earned his first Ph.D. in Computer Simulation from the University of Edinburgh in addition to a B.Eng. (Hons.) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Anderson picture.JPG


RSVP for the event by emailing See you soon!
Contact Drew McCampbell at:

Covenant College

14049 Scenic Highway

Lookout Mountain, GA 30750


Contact Hans Mininger at:

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